Mossy Life

Image: Telford and Wrekin Council Newsroom

Residents had noticed the amount of litter in Bowring Park, Wellington was increasing after football games each weekend. Proactively a small group of them decided to do something about it and arranged to litter pick after a game last month, they also persuaded club managers to join in too. Now residents are helping to keep the park clean and tidy after games. 

Latest update from Telford and Wrekin Council Newsroom:

One resident commented “We gathered up the rubbish together after the game and I am happy to help after every home match”

Carolyn Healy Cabinet member for climate change, green spaces, natural and historic environment and cultural services said “I would like to thank residents for taking the initiative and tackling the litter in Bowring Park head on.  These residents are community thinking and are donating their free time to benefit the area where they live.  

By helping to keep our green spaces clean and beautiful it benefits us all as well as wildlife.  We are inviting residents close to Bowring Park to join our Street Champions scheme where volunteers play an active role in taking pride in their community so we can all live in a clean and safe place. If you care about your local area and you can spare some of your own time to volunteer I encourage you to find out more about Street Champions.”  

Do you have community spirit? Would you like to sign up to be a Street Champion and care for your local area and look out for your neighbours? Find out more and apply to be a Street Champion online

Quoted from Telford and Wrekin Council’s online newsroom. Original article can be found here: Newsroom – Local residents stepping up to tackle litter in Wellington. (

For up to date local green news, take a look at the Telford and Wrekin page With thanks to Telford and Wrekin Community Council for their support, enabling a dedicated Green Directory page to be set up for their community.

Follow our Telford and Wrekin facebook page here: /mossylifetelford

Does your town or county need a Green Directory to support your sustainability aims? Get in touch today and we can help provide a dedicated page for your area.

Caroline Talbot
Author: Caroline Talbot