Shropshire Council has been awarded more than £600,000 from the Government’s active travel fund following a successful application for funding.
Latest update from Shropshire Council Newsroom:
Shropshire Council has been awarded more than £600,000 from the Government’s active travel fund following a successful application for funding.
Active Travel England has awarded the council a total of £612,800 with £382,800 going towards the Meole active travel schools project in Shrewsbury, which includes the Bank Farm Road Active Travel Corridor improvements. The Bank Farm Road scheme is identified as a top priority scheme in the council’s draft cycling and walking plan (LCWIP).
A further £230,000 will help to fund the council’s School Streets scheme.
The Meole project scheme will enable more people in this area of Shrewsbury to use active travel modes through the provision of a safe, attractive and continuous route that connects residences to key destinations in the area, including schools, work, leisure and other amenities.
The scheme includes:
- Potential road safety improvements at the Longden Road / Roman Road roundabout.
- A formal crossing at the Sweet Lake Meadow estate and a raised table on the Mousecroft Lane/Stanley Lane junction as a continuation of the pedestrian facilities.
- A 20mph zone in the area of Meole Brace School.
- School travel planning for the area.
For Bank Farm Road, the following are planned:
- A kerb segregated cycleway and footway.
- Vehicle-activated signs (VAS) on Bank Farm Road.
- Raised tables at the junction so the active travel route is continuous; and the removal of crossing points and replacing with raised tables.
- A controlled crossing near the Longden Road junction.
As well as the Government funding, the scheme will be funded through developer contributions.
In October 2022. Shropshire Council’s Cabinet approved an 18-month ‘School Streets’ scheme trial – and agreed that ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras be used to enforce restrictions. Six schools are to take part in the trial.
School Streets are streets outside of school gates that are pedestrianised (except for permit holders) during school drop off and pick up times.
Richard Marshall, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways, said:
“The award of this funding is great news, and is recognition of our commitment to improving road safety and active travel opportunities.
“The safety of children travelling to and from school is vitally important and we’re grateful to the local community for highlighting their road safety concerns in the area, particularly in relation to walking and cycling in the vicinity of the nearby schools.
“Officers have been working closely with local residents and groups over the past few months as our plans have been developed and progressed, and this funding will help to make these plans a reality.”
Ian Nellins, Cabinet member with responsibility for active travel, said
“Shropshire Council is committed to providing active travel options across the council area and these projects will provide safer routes for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers.
“We look forward to implementing further schemes through our new cycling and walking plan, which is currently out to consultation and we encourage people to take a look and share their views.”
Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and education, said:
“This news is very welcome. School streets restrict traffic outside schools at pick-up and drop-off times, so will make it safer and easier for children to walk, scoot and cycle to school.”
Quoted from Shropshire Council’s online newsroom. Original article can be found here: Shropshire Council reports drop in carbon emissions – Shropshire Council Newsroom
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