Cheshire East Council is continuing its drive towards achieving its carbon neutral target by 2025 with further improvements at one of its main buildings in Crewe.
Latest update from Cheshire East Council:
Major improvement works will take place this year at Delamere House, which will make significant energy savings. The works will include the replacement of windows during the summer and the installation of an air source heat pump, the first phase of which will happen tomorrow.
While undertaking the design for the windows, a solar assessment has been undertaken and, where possible, solar glazing will be introduced. The building’s internal heating system will also be replaced this summer.
Cheshire East Council’s head of estates, Andy Kehoe, said: “These works are a further commitment to the work the council is doing to be carbon neutral by 2025. The air source heat pumps will take the main heating load of the building and will significantly reduce its carbon footprint.
“We have almost completed the wider programme of installing air source heat pumps across our buildings and these other programmed works will also see an increased level of energy efficiency.”
The works taking place at Delamere House are part of a wider council programme of decarbonising its buildings – which include libraries, depots, leisure centres, day centres and car parks – through the installation of measures including 17 building mounted solar arrays, improved building insulation and LED lighting upgrades.
Quoted from Cheshire East Council online news. Original article can be found here: 24/03/2023 – Council continues energy saving drive (cheshireeast.gov.uk)
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